PawSheets help you keep a dog bed clean

3 Simple Ways to Keep a Dog Bed Clean

How to keep a dog bed clean PawSheets fitted dog bed sheets

Ask Google how to clean a dog bed and you will see tips, videos and products recommendations. One post offers 15 steps on how to clean a dog bed.

I don’t know about you but I do not have a lot of time to spend cleaning a dog bed. So here are 3 simple ways to keep your dog’s, or dogs’ bed(s) clean.

  1. Keep you dog clean. This means bathing and grooming. Brushing daily and bathing regularly. What does regularly mean? According to Canine Journal®, bathe your dog at least once every three months.

  2. Cover the dog bed with an easy to remove, easy to wash and dry, and easy to put back on dog bed cover. If a dog bed cover is hard to remove and a struggle to put back on, you will avoid doing it.

  3. Change the dog bed cover weekly - or sooner if it looks dirty. It is a good idea to vacuum the dog bed cover daily - if you can.

The best way to keep a dog bed clean is to cover it as soon as you buy it. Then, change or wash the cover weekly. Simple, right?

After a bath my dogs feel so happy. They run around and play. How do you feel after a shower?

The same concept applies to a fresh bed. As soon as I change the dog bed sheet on the bed, my dogs jump right on their beds. Clean feels great. So, the next time you bathe your dog, give him or her a fresh dog bed cover. Putting a clean dog on a dirty, smelly bed just does not make sense.

PawSheets make it easy to keep your dog’s bed clean and fresh. Easy on, easy off, easy wash, and easy back on in less than a minute!


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