PawSheets and dog health

How PawSheets Helped Hudson Avoid a Second Surgery

This is a story about a 4-year-old bulldog that appears to have avoided additional eye surgery thanks to PawSheets.

Steve, Hudson’s Dad, sent me the story. Most of the story is in his exact words. Why change a great story?

Hudson had irritated eyes.My bulldog, Hudson, is 4 years old and since he was a puppy he would randomly suffer from itchy eyes. The area around his eyes was red and inflamed as he was often rubbing them against the couch or walls when they were irritating him.  The vet had summed it up to allergies and we learned to give him an over-the-counter allergy pill when he would flare up, and it seemed to help. As he got older it progressively got worse though and the episodes became more frequent until it soon became near constant. At this point, the allergy medicine wouldn’t do anything to help clear it up.


The vet eventually diagnosed him with Entropion and said it was common with bulldogs and minor surgery could help correct it. So approximately 4 months ago, we had the surgery done on him. Then approximately 3 months after the surgery, once he was all healed up, we noticed one eye had cleared up, but he still suffered itchiness and redness in the other eye.  The vet looked him over and recommended we schedule him back for additional surgery to the one eyelid. So, we agreed, and they scheduled him a 2nd surgery date for this coming April 8.

Entropion is an abnormality of the eyelid in dogs. The eyelids roll inward and can cause the dog’s hair to rub against the eye. This may result in pain, eye ulcers and can affect vision. It is common in certain breeds, such as Bulldogs.

Long story short, around the same time that we scheduled his 2nd surgery, I had just purchased a new bed and noticed he had only used it a few days. It already had odors and looked dirty, so I had an idea to look for a dog bed sheet to extend the life of the beds - as we were constantly replacing them due to embedded hair, soil, and odors. 

 So, we found PawSheets, ordered and received your sheets and, for the past month, we have been changing his sheets every other day. Over that time, we hadn’t really noticed but Hudson had eventually stopped scratching his eye and the irritation had gone away. It was this past Sunday, when we were planning our week and fitting his upcoming surgery into our schedule, that we realized that his eye had cleared up and he seemed fine. On Monday morning we called and cancelled his surgery. Of course, we will continue to watch him, but we both feel that it was the sheets that were effective in stopping his irritation, as he is now always sleeping in a fresh bed.  So, I wanted to thank you as Hudson looks great and is really appreciating his new PawSheets. We just ordered 3 more.

I failed to mention how shocked we were to see all the loose soil and hair on Hudson sleeping on PawSheethis sheets every morning. We had no idea how much was in his bed over a period of months with no sheet. This is why we are literally changing sheets so often. And, as you can see from his eye, it definitely was annoying and irritating him. He is soooo comfortable now.

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